Changing Your Password

To reset your password on Memento, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that all characters in your email address and password are lowercase, as the system does not recognize uppercase letters.
  2. Visit the password reset page and enter the email address associated with your account.
  3. Click on the "Reset Password" button.
  4. Check your email inbox for a message from Memento containing a verification code. If you don't see it, check your junk or spam folders.
  5. Enter the verification code from the email into the password reset form.
  6. Enter your new password and confirm it by entering it again.
  7. Click on the "Reset Password" button once more to finalize the process.

Your password will now be updated, and you can use the new password to log in to your Memento account. Remember to use lowercase letters for both your email address and password.

Password reset does not apply to Facebook/Apple-authenticated accounts (as they have no user-created password). To change your password, enter the e-mail address associated with your account and click Reset Password. Memento will immediately send you an e-mail with a verification code. If you do not see the email, please check your junk/spam folders in case the email was misfiled.

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